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Join the Beam Beamers team by downloading the Beam Beam app available on Google Play and the App Store.

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The V-SO

Beam Beam joined the adventure ofV-SO, an ephemeral exhibition of 3000m2 in Angers bringing together around fifty artists.

Enter the world of artists and discover the unique experience that Beam Beam offers you on the exhibition by scanning the works to be collected. Immersed in the cockpit of the V-SO, you will have to identify the Beam Beam markers present throughout the exhibition, open the application, scan the works and live a new and immersive experience in order to collect as much data as possible and have the chance to win the big contest.

Ready to get-on?

Discover the great PS5 contest game

Beam Beam X The V-So



It’s not only an augmented reality application, BEAM BEAM digitalizes seamlessly the real world and merges it in an universe with your favorite characters and brands.


Scan, enjoy and share your unique experiences on all your social networks!


Join the Beam Beamers community by downloading BEAM BEAM on the App Store or Google Play Store.

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They trust us

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Capture d’écran 2021-12-20 à 11.03.21 AM
Capture d’écran 2021-12-20 à 11.02.03 AM

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